February 23, 2025 14:25 PM

Feel Too Old to Travel

Ever had a travel dream about backpacking through the world, but never gotten around to fulfilling the dream?

Think that it is too late because of different reasons:

Have a career to think about now?

Have a family?

How about-age?

If one thinks too much, it will never happen.

All the above concerns are just issues that one puts in mind to stop going for the dream.

A career is a valid point, but a way around the issue: save up vacation days.

Bring the family along for the ride-what better way to share the dream.

As for the age problem-age is just a number, if one is 80 years old, but feels like a 30 year old-what age is the person really?

Just think of these few things:


Granted, age is just a number, but with age, comes different health circumstances.


If there is no interest in seeing the world, then, there is no need to traveling-let the dream die.

Enjoyment of diversity?

Embracing different cultures and people is what traveling is all about, especially in the hostel environment-comfortable in your own skin with the company of the same people-stay put.


If the job, family or other issues are too much to handle or leave behind for a few months, up to a few years-it isn't right to travel at the present moment.

However, if time isn't an issue, no need to hold back.

Fearful of the unknown?

Always have to be in control and unprepared to deal with bumps along the road-stay home.

On the other hand, if self-confident and able to roll with the punches-get the backpack packed and ready to go.

These are just five questions to consider and five ways to think positively about getting the dream, from a dream state, into a reality.

Is it time to hide or fly?

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