March 10, 2025 10:35 AM

'Supergirl' Season 2 Episode 16 Spoilers: Two Couples On The Verge Of Breaking Up After Secrets Are Revealed

Kara and Mon-El have just made their relationship officially recently. But it seems that there may be tough times ahead for the couple in the new episodes of "Supergirl" season 2.

Blasting News reports that in episode 16, titled "Star-Crossed," Kara will finally learn that her boyfriend is connected to the new aliens that have arrived from Daxam. The Daxamites will be played by no other than Kevin Sorbo from "Hercules" and Teri Hatcher who became famous when she played Lois Lane in "Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman." Hatcher will play a villain in the series and will surely cause conflict between the new couple.

TV Line reports that in an interview, actress Melissa Benoist claims that Kara will know about Moon-El's secret in the worst possible way. Add to the fact that Kryptonians and Daxamites have never really had a harmonious relationship in the first place, tensions are running high between the aliens. Only time will tell if Kara and Mon-El's budding romance will actually stand this test, or if his lie of omission would prove to be a deal breaker for Kara.

Another couple that will be going through something is Winn and Lyra. The latter has apparently deceived Winn. She uses him to get into an art museum, where she proceeds to steal a very valuable painting. It seems that this is another couple that is on the verge of breaking up.

Meanwhile, "Supergirl" season 2 episode 16 will be a special episode. It will be a musical crossover episode with none other than "The Flash." It will all be because of Darren Criss' villain character Music Meister.

The main characters will be trapped in a dream where they see Iris and Mon-El as in love with each other. The conflict begins with "Supergirl" season 2 episode 16 and ends the next evening in an episode of "The Flash."

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