March 31, 2025 17:45 PM

'Pokemon Go' Gen 2 Update: Some Pokemon May Not Hatch From Eggs

The introduction of more than 80 Pokemon in "Pokemon Go" has made the game more exciting, and more challenging as well. Reports claimed now that there are Gen 2 Pokemon that do not hatch from eggs.

Niantic's first major update for "Pokemon Go" rolled out last month. The update expanded the game by introducing new Pokemon that were originally seen in Johto region of "Pokemon Silver" and "Pokemon Gold." These Gen 2 Pokemon, however, has no descriptions that were attached to them upon release. The challenging part is for the players to discover what these pocket monsters are, what is their rarity class, and the list goes on.

One recent and substantial discovery about these Gen 2 Pokemon is that there are several of them that do not hatch from eggs. The Silph Road has always been a very helpful source of this pertinent information that is useful in pacing the game. At first, players expected that Pokemon like Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita are Pokemon that can hatch from eggs. However, according to the recent information, 16 Gen 2 Pokemon is just simply not part of the egg pool.

Silph Road notes that the Pokemon that do not hatch from eggs include Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Chinchou, Hoppip, Houndour, Hoothoot, and Ledyba. Other Pokemon excluded from the egg pool are Marill, Murkrow, Sentret, Snubbull, Sunkern, Spinarak, Teddiursa, and Totodile.

Several of these Pokemon like Sentret and Ledyba were most likely not included because they are considered as Common Pokemon from Gen 2. It can be recalled that in November 2016, Pokemon Go hauled Common Pokemon such as Caterpie, Pidgey, and Weedle from the egg pool to keep players absorbed in the game. Excluding equivalent Common from the egg pool with the latest update makes a lot of sense. There are however exceptions to this premise since Pokemon like the Johto starters, Houndour, and Teddiursa were not included in the games egg pool says WWG.

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