March 31, 2025 18:08 PM

‘Counting On’ Star Ben Seewald Reacts On ‘The Shack’ Movie’s Illustration of God

Ben Seewald, husband of Jessa Duggar of "Counting On" has been warning their fans not to watch the movie "The Shack." He has actively criticized the movie on the way it illustrates the three Divine Person of the Holy Trinity.

God the Father was depicted as a black woman played by "Hidden Figures'" Octavia Spencer. Jesus was illustrated as the carpenter and the Holy Spirit was the Asian woman Sarayu.

According to The Hollywood Gossip, Seewald is slamming the movie for reasons that only the Christian community can appreciate. The Christians believe that God is spirit and in the Old Testament he has shown Himself to His Followers in different forms - a voice, a dove, a burning bush and many other forms. But He will not take the form of a human again. The one and only time was Jesus who became human to serve as an atoning sacrifice for sins.

But Jesus returned back to His original state after he was risen from the dead and ascended back to the Father in heaven. Right now He is seated at the right side of God interceding for all men who were His own.

Some Christians find it irreverent to illustrate God the Father as a woman, the same with the Holy Spirit. According to Jezebel, a pastor was angered at the depiction of God in "The Shack." There was also this idea in the movie that all men can go to heaven which is total not being taught in the Bible. Only those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and turned away from their sins can go to the abode of God.

According to Ben Seewald, the film totally contradicts the God who showed Himself through His Word. The film also pictures God as too casual, not wrathful, not authoritarian, and does not pass judgment. He also warned their fans and followers not to watch the film because they might get an erroneous idea of who God is. Aside from Seewald, other religious people accused the show's creator of believing in cults, black Madonna worship, and idolatry.

The plot tells of a man played by Sam Worthington who lost his daughter to an unknown murderer. He then fell into depression as he cannot accept the loss of his daughter. He received a note in the mail from "Papa" (Octavia Spencer) inviting him to come to a shack.

His experience of coming to The Shack was one like a divine appointment where he was able to feel the love and concern of God. Did Ben Seewald succeed in convincing people to ban the film?

Counting On
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