March 10, 2025 23:22 PM

‘KONOSUBA’ Episode 9 Recap: Aqua Is The Devil King’s Army Servant?

Religion has always been in the world as long as it came to existence and it played a major role in the evolution of society. The same goes to the parallel world that Kazuma and his party of misfits are trying to survive on in "KONOSUBA." However, religion is also one of the major factors that triggered disasters throughout history. As for the Goddess, Aqua, her own faith-followers will be her ultimate downfall.

Looking back, Kazuma and the others have safely arrived in Arcanretia following the epic journey and the trouble with some ostrich-like monsters. Arcanretia is the city of water and hot springs and also the home of the Axis church which worships the Goddess Aqua. The town is beautiful in its own right, however, the place is infested of die-hard cultist that is willing to do anything to recruit worshipers.

"KONOSUBA" Episode 9 titled 'A Goddess for This Corrupt Hot Springs Town' started off with Kazuma heading to the Axis sect church to have some explain the reason behind the recruiters' relentlessness. He was greeted by a preachy Aqua in a confession booth. The archpriest is providing guidance to the 'lost lambs' of the faith by selling out Eris as reported by The Reviewer's Corner.

On the hotel, Wiz is finally getting well after Aqua accidentally purified her together with the zombies. Wiz have apparently hit the hot springs which is famous for its healing capabilities. After Kazuma, Megumin and Darkness have their fair share of the hot springs, Aqua came to the hotel crying. According to Anime News Network, she was kicked out by her own followers after she unconsciously purified the baths into regular hot water.

The final gag of the episode involves Aqua making a grand self-inflecting wound to her pride as a great Goddess. She believed that the Devil King's Army is weakening the city by dropping the quality of the hot springs. She made a speech regarding her theory but her efforts turned to a wrong way and she was labeled as a servant of the Devil King's Army.

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