March 31, 2025 19:41 PM

Five Tips To Help Cure Fear Of Flying

Aviophobia is not new, and is certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. All over the world, there are several people who are really anxious about the idea of flying, while some are scared to the point where they don't choose to fly ever.

Having a fear of flying is a pain since it prohibits a person in traveling and gaining new experiences. Now, if you have one and want to get over it, you're in luck. Aviophobia can be cured, and there are several steps you need to take in order to help yourself. Here are some of them:

Don't depend on alcohol. Getting really drunk before a flight will not help you overcome your fears but rather gives you a false self-confidence that will make you depend on that solution when there are so many healthier steps you can do to tackle the problem. So stow away your booze.

Acknowledge your anxiety. Yes, you need to accept to yourself that you have a fear of flying and that you are training yourself to overcome it. Denial wouldn't get you anywhere! But remember to not feed your fear when acknowledging it. Don't let your mind think negative thoughts and focus your attention on something else.

Think about why you're flying. The airplane ride is just a way to get from point A to point B -- there's a reason why you're flying in the first place! So instead of focusing on the journey itself, try to put all your thoughts in the destination, and why you're going there. Is it to visit a loved one? Is it a business trip? Focus on every detail so you won't have time to think about your fears.

Bring in-flight activities. If your flight will last for more than a few hours, then you must have an activity or two to while away the time and help you combat the stress of the flight. Bring a book or watch a movie on your laptop or phone-it will help your mind to steer clear of your fear and in no time, your plane will land without you noticing.

Practice relaxation exercises. There are a couple of breathing exercises that you can try and practice to relax all the tensions in your body while in flight. Loosening your muscles with proper relaxation exercises will reduce the amount of anxiety you're feeling, and will help you have a more stress-free flight.

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