March 31, 2025 19:45 PM

What Are The Best Asian Countries To Retire To?

For those who have lived in their home city for half of their lives and spending most years working on building a family and a stable income, finally going on retirement is an another adventure to look forward to.

To some Westerners, they look towards Asia as their retirement destination, but where to go? For those thinking to retire to this side of the world, here are some of their best countries to do it.

Thailand. Located in Southeast Asia, this country is perfect for retirement expats looking for a place bountiful of rich culture, excellent living conditions, and plentiful tourist destinations. Chiang Mai, in particular, is best viewed as the perfect retirement city in Thailand. Unlike in other parts of Thailand, Chiang Mia has excellent weather, and the cost of owning an apartment or house is a fraction of what you would typically spend in the States.

Malaysia. If you're wishing to retire in Malaysia, consider living in George Town. Unlike Kuala Lumpur, its main capital, George Town has a lower cost of living, making sure your savings are quite enough to live out the rest of your life. Excellent food, friendly people-what more could you ask for? George Town is also a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage City.

Philippines. You may think twice about how the really low cost of living in the Philippines may affect its quality of life, but you'll be glad to know that you can live out your retirement days comfortably in this beautiful country. The cost of living is even lower than Vietnam, but you can still expect excellent healthcare, good shopping options, and tons of outdoor activities you may enjoy.

Cambodia. Particularly Sihanoukvill--this place is best for those who are looking for a peaceful yet beautiful place that has moderate weather and not overly populated. If you want to spend your retirement days in beautiful beaches and resorts that won't have you grappling for your wallet every time, then this area in Cambodia is more than perfect.

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