February 22, 2025 12:27 PM

Oculus Rift Company Facing Total Shutdown After Zenimax Further Chases

The era of the true virtual reality gaming resurfaced in made its strong presence with the arrival of the Oculus Rift. However, the company who have brought players the technology in a more proper form (or how they appeared to do so) is soon facing a complete shutdown after Zenimax, the true owner of the technology pushes it in the corner.

Publisher Zenimax, the company behind iconic titles like "The Elder Scrolls" and "Fallout," have recently leveraged its game against the Facebook-owned company, Oculus. According to Reuters' report, Zenimax Media Inc. now requests the company to stop using the infringed codes for its products and this is after winning a $500 million verdict last month.

Based on the possibilities of having the injuction, getting granted, the sales for Oculus Rift VR could substantially hit a downward spiral. This would greatly limit the games that will be supported, counting those that are yet to be released and those that have already been released so far.

Unfortunately, Oculus have already made these codes in question to several companies and parties the specifically utilize the technology for several games that they are developing. This includes even high-profile ones like Samsung with its Gear VR. All the development for these projects is a big risk of reaching a halt unless Facebook and Zenimax come to some sort of agreement or settlement.

Back in 2014, Facebook acquired Oculus (via TechCrunch), but just it didn't take that long before development team already got chased after by Zenimax for stealing the technology while Carmack was still employed with Zenimax. This is on top of the non-disclosure issue, that Palmer Luckey, got himself into.

Despite not being considered as stolen, Zenimax's VR technology still induced damages to the Oculus team for using the codes with permission. Regrettably, Facebook got involved with the issue and there's an awful amount of loss, people are expecting for these companies.

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