March 2, 2025 15:39 PM

Airport Offers $12 Flights: Special Promotion for Flights to New York & Boston on Cape Air

An airport is offering $12 flights to Boston and New York to qualify for federal grant money.

Lebanon Airport and Cape Air in New Hampshire had a promotion in which they offered flights for $12. The promotion was done so the airport and airline could qualify for federal grant money by flying at least 10,000 passengers this year, ABC reports.

The tickets were good for end of the year trips between Boston and New York. With prices so ridiculously low, it's no surprise tickets are going quickly.

"We're basically sold out," Trish Lorino, director of marketing and public relations for Cape Air said, according to ABC. "That's the highest number of enplanements for Lebanon Airport in quite a long time."

When the airport reaches 10,000 passengers, the FAA will give it $1 million in grant money for various projects.

"The typical projects would be safety, runway and taxiway projects, and equipment purchases," Rick Dyment, manager of Lebanon Airport said, according to ABC. "We would be able to improve the city's airport with these funds."

With the holidays being a busy travel season, the promotion started on Christmas day. With many continuing to travel as they may have a break for the holidays, Cape Air expects to hit the 10,000 mark in no time..

"By us lowering that fare, it was our attempt to support the airport and get them to the 10,000 enplanement level," said Lorino. "The timing was ideal because it was a holiday week and people had flexibility and the freedom to travel."

The flight from Lebanon Airport to Boston's Logan Airport would normally cost $130 and a flight to Westchester County Airport in White Plains, N.Y would cost $160.

Many traveling to New York are probably looking to spend time in New York City, so to accommodate those, the airport is offering free ground transportation to 35th Street and 8th Avenue in midtown Manhattan from the Westchester County Airport.

"The total time from Lebanon Airport to midtown Manhattan is two and a half hours," Dyment told ABC. "You can fly from Lebanon Airport to Boston in 55 minutes and then connect to other airlines in Boston."

If the tickets aren't gone already, they'll only be available until Dec. 31.

For mor information or to try to book a $12 flight, Click Here.

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