March 10, 2025 10:17 AM

‘Pokemon GO’ February 2017 Update: Which Generation 2 Pokemon Is The Strongest? Tyranitar Leads The Way!

"Pokemon GO" recently released the Generation 2 Pokemon. While there aren't many monsters released, a few Pokemon can shake up the power rankings in gym battles, and seemingly, Tyranitar is the strongest of the Generation 2 Pokemon.

According to the Forbes, the Generation 2 Pokemon, most notably Tyranitar, can end the reign of Dragonite as the strongest Pokemon. That said, the high-end gym battles will be shaken up with the arrival of these Generation 2 monsters.

Tyranitar is by far the strongest Generation 2 Pokemon. It has a 3670 CP. However, the Dragonite has higher attack power at 263 versus the 251 of the Tyranitar.

However, don't expect to see Tyranitar in high-end gym battles as yet since they are rare and difficult to find. According to Ranked Boost, "Pokemon GO" players can probably catch Tyranitar on farmlands, quarries, and parking lots since Rock seems to be the only influence where players can find Tyranitar.

The launch of Generation 2 in "Pokemon GO" also included the release of Blissey. Blissey has a 3219 CP and because of this high health, coupled with 229 defense statistics, this monster can win almost any fight by just sitting and letting the time run out.

Among the stronger Generation 2 in "Pokemon GO" includes Donphan, Ampharos, Onix, and Typhlosion. Donphan is a ground-type monster having 3022 CP and fairly high attack and defense statistics.

Ampharos is an electric-type monster having 2695 CP. Onix has 2439 CP and has a strong defense and less vulnerability. Typholosion is a fair match against Charizard in strength but doesn't have the latter's flight capability.

While these Generation 2 Pokemon are stronger than the first generation monsters in "Pokemon GO," the key as it's always been is how a player can find these monsters. And when the player catches them, they have to make sure they have enough candies to evolve these Pokemon. "Pokemon GO," a reality-augmented online mobile game developed by Niantic Labs, is available for download in iOS and Android.

Pokemon GO Latest News, Pokemon Go Gen 2 update
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