March 2, 2025 15:13 PM

Dingo Steals British Tourist's Jewelry and Cash on Australian Beach

You may have heard a "dingo ate my baby," but how about a dingo stole my jewelry? That's exactly what happened to a British tourist in Australia.

A 58-year-old British tourist was on New South Wales Beach when a dingo came up to her and stole her bag containing all of her valuables, according to ABC News.

Witnesses tried to warn the woman as it approached her, but the animal made away with a bag full of jewelry, cash and more.

One witness took photos of the dingo as it disappeared into the dunes with the bag.

Police were unable to find the woman's bag after spending hours searching, but they did find the dingo based on its markings which were seen in the photo. They said there have been several complaints about the dingo over the past few months.

"The offending dingo was photographed by witnesses and was clearly identified as having one leg predominantly white," Port Stephens Crime Manager, Acting Inspector Matthew Maroney said, according to ABC News.

"It was established that this animal had been the subject of numerous complaints in the prior three months, jumping onto barbeques in the van park and approaching and stealing things from people," he continued.

Upon finding the animal, police shot and killed it with a single rifle shot.

Dingoes are often thought of an trouble makers. In July, a German tourist was attacked by several dingoes and had to be hospitalized for his injuries.

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