March 2, 2025 15:39 PM

JetBlue Airways & Customers Help Families of Newtown, Connecticut Shooting Victims

The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut is a tragedy that is impacting the entire country. With 20 children and six adults dead, the country is now looking for ways to ease the pain of the families of those victims. JetBlue and its customers are doing their part to help those who were affected.

Noah Pozner was one of the six-year-old children who was murdered in the shooting. He's being buried on Monday. Thanks to JetBlue, Noah will be buried with letters from family members from across the country.

Pozner's parents asked family members to write letters for Noah on Sunday. With FedEx not operating on Sundays, a Seattle mom named Victoria, who is Pozner's aunt, took to Twitter to ask for help getting letters to Connecticut to be buried with Noah during his funeral. A friend of Victoria's tweeted airlines asking for help.

Several airlines said they couldn't do anything howver, within 10 minutes, JetBlue responded to the request and asked Victoria how they could get in touch with them. The airline made arrangements and they were able to get the letters to CT by Monday.

"It's the least we can do to help a family that's been so tragically affected," JetBlue tweeted. "We're honored to do it."

Victoria showed her support to the airline, saying "Give mad love to @jetblue you guys -- they are getting Noah's notes to him. #LoveForNoah."

People heard the news of JetBlue's good deed and they're also giving props to the airline.
"You guys are awesome! Just heard how you're transporting notes for Noah. Definitely a great thing. #Newtown #20Acts #26acts," wrote user @LilMondu.

"We're happy to do it. Wishing the best for all those affected by the horrible tragedy," JetBlue replied.

JetBlue isn't the only one trying to help during the tragedy. Several JetBlue customers have taken to their Facebook page to seek information about donating their airlines miles and points.

A man named Chris Baird requested to donate his TrueBlue points to the family of victim Emilie Parker.

"Dear JetBlue,

I feel terrible for the families affected by the tragedy in CT. Even though I live 3,000 miles away and I was able to go home and hold my son tight, my heart broke for the parents who were not so fortunate.

I'm donating my TrueBlue points to the family of Emilie Parker, who died that day. Her family is from Ogden, UT. I don't have many points, but I do have some.

We were planning on using our points so that my wife and I could go on a nice vacation to a warm destination. We thought that we deserved a break. After this week, we realized that we already had a warm destination at home with our son. We just feel lucky to be parents to a wonderful healthy boy. We don't need a vacation to realize that.

I am giving every last point that I have been saving to a family that needs them way more than I do. I only have 50K points, will you join with me and make these points meaningful to the Emilie Parker extended family?," Baird wrote.

"That's an incredibly touching thing to do Chris, thank you. Like everyone, our crewmembers' thoughts are with the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Customers who are booking bereavement travel (or changing previously booked travel) can contact us at 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583) for assistance," the airline replied.

Upon seeing Baird's action, Stephanie Levitt also offered to do the same.


Is there a way for me to donate my True Blue points to the families of victims of this Friday's tragedy in Newtown? If so, please update us all - I'm sure numerous people like Chris Baird would be willing to donate," wrote Levitt.

JetBlue replied with information on how to donate points, saying "Thank you for your caring and concern for the families affected by the Newtown tragedy. At this time you can give points through TrueBlue Gift Registry: and TrueBlue Giving: Stay tuned to our website for updates and additional ways to help."

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