February 23, 2025 14:58 PM

Ryan Lanza: Wrong Facebook Page of Sandy Hook Elementary Newtown, Connecticut Suspected Shooter Reported by Media

Police have identified the shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. Much of the media has shown a Facebook photo of one Ryan Lanza's face, which could apparently be the wrong Ryan Lanza.

The photo of Ryan Lanza that has shown up on dozens of media accounts is of a man named Ryan Lanza who lives in New Jersey and was born in Connecticut. However, this Ryan Lanza is claiming not to be the shooter. He is alive pissed off that his photo is being portrayed all over the media, including CNN and Fox News, as a shooter who left nearly 30 dead, including at least 18 children this morning.

According to screen shots of his Facebook profile that were taken by one of his former classmates, he is alive and he has written, "IT WASN'T ME I WAS AT WORK IT WASN'T ME," "I'm on the bus home it wasn't me," and "Everyone shut the f--- up it wasn't me."

Andrew Fletcher, tweeted this screen shot,

Fox News pulled the image from its homepage this afternoon and the Facebook Page is now down.

Gawker reported that police have not actually announced the name of the suspect officially, but NBC reported that three different police sources have confirmed that the name of the shooter was "Ryan Lanza". What could either be a huge coincidence or a mistake is that both Ryan Lanza's split time between Connecticut and New Jersey. Or if this is the actual Ryan Lanza then someone is participating in an internet hoax.

A Jersey Journal staff writer, Brett Wilshe said that he spoke to the Ryan Lanza whose Facebook page is being passed around and it is possible that the real shooter has taken his ID, reported Gawker.

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