March 3, 2025 22:58 PM

Best Job In The World: Married Couple Job Gets Paid To Travel The World

The man who once won The Best Job in The World as a caretaker of Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef is taking his job to a whole new level. Now, he's going to get paid to travel the world and the best part is that he can take his wife with him.

Ben Southall became the talk of the town back in 2009 when he was chosen to be the caretaker of a paradise island in Australia. According to Saxton, Southall bagged a job that payed him AUD$150,000 that included accommodation and the chance to explore the area.

For six months, he spent his days blogging and video recording his activities. However, when his contract with the management expired, he decided not to return to his old job as an event organizer.

But now he's back on track and the Daily Mail reported that Southall was hired by the tourism board in Australia and New Zealand to explore the different attractions in the world. Along with his wife, Sophee, the married couple are now traveling the world while getting paid to do it.

The two are documenting their travels and adventures while posting it on their travel blog called The Best Life In The World. In some of their adventures, the couple are seen longboarding in Tasmania and cruising a 54,000 mile trip from Singapore to London in a Landrover.

The married couple met back in an event while Ben was hosting an awards ceremony. Since then, the two haven't stayed in one place and started to explore the world. Sophie is also a travel blogger after she quit her job back in Brisbane in a publishing company.

But it's not all fun and games because the couple was once chased by an angry mob. However, Ben expressed his feelings about traveling with his wife and said, "The benefits are you get to enjoy and share the experience of some of the world's most stunning places together."

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