March 31, 2025 17:49 PM

Best Cities In America To Live In If You Want To Earn A Lot Of Money

If you want a change of pace and environment and aspires of moving to another city in the States, there are certain factors you need to consider first. Choosing a city that pays well and lets you earn a higher income than most is one of the first things you have to think about.

Your working years are very important because of course, it's not just enough to have enough money to eat three meals a day, it's also important to earn enough that you can save and prepare for the future. Your home city is an important factor in that. So let's a look at some of the the high-earning cities in the US to give you some ideas:

La Cañada Flintridge, California. According to a statistical study made by NerdWallet, 73.4% of La Cañada Flintridge residents earn an average of $100,000 a year, and 41.5% of them earn $200,000 or more. The high average income is necessary because living here can be really expensive compared to other cities, but the quality of life is a relief for all residents. These high-paying jobs are mostly generated by Caltech, a private research university.

New York City, New York. Don't be afraid to venture out and try living in the city that never sleeps. Yes, the cost of living in New York can be quite expensive, but job opportunities are all over the place-it isn't likely for you to not get a job that suit your lifestyle and needs. An average worker can earn around $59,000 a year in New York, not bad when you're just starting out. After a few years of working hard, you can closely climb in the corporate ladder.

Sammamish, Washington. Ranked no.1 by NerdWallet, this suburb has Microsoft, Boeing and Amazon to thank for the high income of its residents. The IT industry is one of the leading highest-paying jobs in the world, and with these companies situated in Sammamish area, the residents are enjoying the benefits of working for them. More than 70% of the households in Sammamish earn $100,000 a year.

San Jose, California. For a recent graduate, working in San Jose has a high chance of bolstering your career. Average annual salary of an employee living in San Jose is $75,770, a really good deal since the private companies situated here are big such as Cisco, eBay, and IBM.

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