March 2, 2025 15:37 PM

End of the World 2012: Hotels Near Serbian Mountain, Believed to Protect People from Apocalypse on December 21, Fill Up

The end of the world is coming! At least that's what some believe based on the Mayan calendar. In order to prepare for the apocalypse, hundreds of people are taking over hotels at the base of Mount Rtanj in Serbia because they believe they'll be safe there when the world will supposedly end.

Those who believe that the world will actually end on December 21, 2012 are flocking to hotels near the pyramid-shaped Mount Rtanj because they believe the 5,100 ft tall mountain has a pyramid inside that was left by alien visitors thousands of years ago, according to the Telegraph.

Doomsday believers think the pyramid contains a special energy that will protect them from the apocalypse. Now hotels near the mountain are filling up completely.

"In one day we had 500 people trying to book rooms. People want to bring their whole families," Obrad Blecic, a hotel manager told The Telegraph.

Many believe that the world is going to end according to the 5,125-year-old Mayan calendar. Their calendar ended on December 21, so people think this means that the world will end that day.

There are several websites, books, videos and other things that have popped up in recent years relating to the possible end of the work, but scholars say doomsday believers have nothing to worry about ad the calendar's end has been misinterpreted.

Yet the fear of the possibility is still spread across the world. From candles, to supplies, to survival shelters, sales for emergency end of the world necessities has exploded.

Another supposed safe haven is a mountain in the French Pyrnenees which believers claim will be the only place standing when the world ends. However the mountain is being closed to visitors to avoid overcrowding and chaos on the peak.

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