March 3, 2025 04:21 AM

President Obama Plans $4 Million Hawaii Vacation During the Holidays, Says Report

Now that he doesn't have to worry about campaigning, President Barack Obama is reportedly getting ready for a long Hawaiian vacation with his family over the holiday season. According to estimates, the trip will cost at least $4 million on the tax payers dime.

According to the Hawaii Reporter, President Obama is getting ready to take his annual holiday trip to Hawaii. The President, along with Michelle, his two daughters, Sasha and Malia, and even their dog Bo will be going on the trip in addition to a large security team. The trip will last 20 days from December 17 through January 6.

The Obamas will be able to enjoy the pristine beaches, beautiful blue oceans, and the friendliness of the locals, but according to the Hawaii Reporter, the locals and other Americans will be paying up for the vacation.

When Obama comes to town, restrictions are put in place for air, water and road travel, which means it's going to be difficult for the locals the travel for the holidays. Obama brings a caravan of at least 22 vehicles that travel through the small single-lanes of the town. He also brings along U.S. Secret Service agents and Navy Seals and the U.S. Coast Guard which are stationed in nearby canal and ocean waters. The spectacle makes it difficult for locals to get around and restricts them from areas that they are usually welcomed to.

To top off the controversy, the Hawaii Reporter says the trip, which will cost at least $4 million, will be covered by tax dollars from Hawaiians and federal taxpayers.

The Obamas pay for their own luxurious rental house on the beach for the vacation, but that's about it.

The trip will cost an estimated $4 million, which is roughly how much his annual trip has cost in previous years. The high price includes the round trip flight to the island on Air Force One, transportation for the president's support equipment, and housing for security and staff. All of these costs will be paid by local and federal taxpayer dollars, according to the Reporter.

In Hawaii alone, Ohau taxpayers will have to cover $260,000 worth of costs for the trip as they will have to increase their local police force and provide an ambulance to follow Obama and his caravan around.

The White House has not confirmed the plans of this trip. President Obama has had to stay behind in recent years while his wife and daughters went on the trip. President Obama may have to focus on the fiscal cliff issue which could have an extreme negative impact on the economy if a deal is not reached by January 2.

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