March 9, 2025 10:51 AM

‘Final Fantasy XV’ Chapter 13 Latest News & Update: Will Finally Get Updates Soon

Square Enix's "Final Fantasy XV" especially its controversial Chapter 13 will supposedly have its much-awaited updates soon. A list of feature improvements are already on the line for release this upcoming March and it will be a number of big launches to offset the issues the game is facing right now. Notably, it will get a reboot with its campaign, DLC, and more.

The controversy "Final Fantasy XV" Chapter 13 is facing right now is about its content. A lot of players didn't much like the way it was made which is seemingly hurried at some point. The call for redo perhaps is partly the reason for the big update Square Enix will launch soon. Though, they were firm that the game was thoroughly debated and well planned as per the criticisms.

According to IGN, the highly-anticipated "Final Fantasy XV" Chapter 13 update will be unveiled this coming March 28 as per Square Enix released to answer the wide bashing they are currently having. It's set to for a reboot to allow players to experience Gladiolus role and to create a better direction for the game.

"Final Fantasy XV" Chapter 13 will supposedly not the only one to receive a huge shake up. On March, a DLC will be bundled with it featuring Episodes "Gladio" and "Prompto." Though, the last will be unveiled at a later time in June.

In addition, Game Spot also adds more details about the upcoming huge change in "Final Fantasy XV" that gamers will surely love to try. Before March's update, Square Enix apparently have something first something for their fans this coming February 21. It will include new features and contents to make way for the bigger refit.

Lastly, Square Enix is also reported to introduce PS4 PRO support on the game. It will give a cleaner gaming experience with 60 frames per second game run, 120 level cap additions and more

Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy
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