March 28, 2025 20:24 PM

Burqa Ban Believed To Have Negative Impact On Austria’s Tourism Sector

Austria might ban the use of burqa in public with fines amounting to €150. The policy was formed from "laying out a vision for the country as an 'open society that requires open communication," according to Vice News, but would be seen as a threat to tourism.

Women from countries who wear them might find it difficult to remove their burqas or comply with rules. If they refuse to remove their burqas, authorities can have them accompanied to jail.

Vienna's Chamber of Commerce Andrea Steinleitner posed the question, "Has anyone considered the impact this ban would have on tourism?" The law will have Austria deface its image by violating some rights of the women.

The Local reported Austrian Hotel Association Michaela Reitterer as saying that she "understands the public's worries, but this is a symbolic measure which undoes all the work we have done in building tourism numbers from the Middle East." There is a great unrest among Arab countries, but the market audience is also one of Austria's largest tourist arrivals.

Officials defended that by implementing the law, it "presents itself in a world-open and religiously neutral manner." Vice News quoted Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz as saying that "by prohibiting "anti-social symbols" like burqas, the country would be able to better integrate migrants."

The initiative of course was stemmed from the rise of terrorism. Other countries like France, Bulgaria, and Belgium have already called out a nationwide ban on using burqa, while Italy and Switzerland have only some parts of the regions banning its use.

The same report interviewed Women's Affairs Spokeswoman for the Islamic Religious Authority in Austria Carla Amina Baghajati who said, "It's channeling the emotions of people who are fearful, and who have an image fueled by populists that Muslims will take over our society, our identity." She further commented that "Clothing is a way of showing 'We will make you undress, we will force on you our way of life."

Muslim, Muslim Ban
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