March 31, 2025 17:42 PM

Nintendo Switch Official SD Cards And Its Awfully Unfair Price Revealed

Nintendo always had the knack of releasing game consoles with serious amounts of first-party accessories and apparently, the Nintendo Switch is not an exception. However, since Nintendo isn't embracing the hard-drive storage concept as of 2017, people are still stuck with a limited 32 GB storage. Good thing is they have an official external SD card for it. The bad thing is it is extremely pricey.

As reported at Forbes, Nintendo happens to be teaming up with third party company HORI for releasing the official Nintendo Switch Micro SD Cards with 16 and 32 GB variants. However, as good as this may sound, learning about the price will potentially instill some head-scratching.

It was first spotted as a $70 32GB card at and this easily turned heads after the fact that a similarly sized SD Card with almost higher quality and build is only priced at $23, which is a SanDisk brand. Both cards are sized at 32GB and are also both class 10 ones.

However, this has been corrected by when folks from Forbes was able to confirm the actual price of the HORI cards from the official site. The 32 GB card is priced at ¥ 3,758, though this is still marginally more expensive than the same capacity and speed from any different brand.

There's no telling whether the pricing on the listing was part to an awful judgement, but regardless, the official seal of approval by Nintendo for the SD Card is not a very smart move. With the consumer's end, purchasing this product is equally not very bright as there are other brands with substantially better quality and more affordable price.

It strikes a lot of consumers why Nintendo still can't get into incorporating hard-drive with its console despite two generations of consoles from both Microsoft and Sony have already proved this as a working formula. Looking at the reduced price tag of $300 isn't exactly a factor enough to justify this for the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo Switch
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