March 3, 2025 04:20 AM

Sphinx in Egypt is Under Threat of Destruction By Jihadi Sheikh Morgan Al-Gohary

The Sphinx in Egypt is under a threat of destruction. A jihadi sheikh has admitted that if he were to come to power, he would destroy the Sphinx and the pyramids in Egypt.

In an interview on Egyptian TV channel Dream TV 2 on Saturday, Morgan Al-Gohary, who has a history of radicalism, said that he wouldn't hesitate to destroy some of Egypt's greatest historical landmarks if he gained power.

Al-Gohary is no stranger to destruction. He also admitted to helping the Taliban demolish the Bamyan Buddhas in March 2001.He believes that these stone idols shouldn't be worshipped and only Allah should be praised.

TV host Wael Al-Abrashi was shocked by Al-Gohary's threat and had to ask the question three times to confirm his claim, according to CNN.

Al-Abrashi first asked "Am I going to wake up tomorrow to find that, just as you did with the statue of Buddha, that you have demolished the Sphinx and the pyramids?"

"That is dependent upon abilities and possibility. According to our Sharia, every pagan and idol must be destroyed," Al-Gohary replied."If you are in power, will you destroy the Sphinx and the pyramids and all the pharoanic statues and all the pharoanic artifacts?, Al-Abrashi reiterated.

"Everything, if it is a pagan statue or idol, that is worshiped or suspected to be worshipped, or is worshipped by one person on Earth, must be destroyed. We, or someone else, must destroy it," Al-Gohary responded.

"So you would destroy the Sphinx and the pyramids?" Al-Abrashi asked once more.

"Yes, we will destroy them, if they were worshipped before or afterwards, Al-Gohary said.

Ihab El-Badry, head of the Coalition to Support Tourism, isn't sure how they will respond to the claims as of yet, but a lawsuit could be in the picture.

"We will wait until tomorrow for an official response, but afterwards we will sue President Morsi, the Prime Minister and the ministers of tourism and monuments," El-Badry said, accoridng to E Turbo News.The claims may have a negative impact on tourism, which is a huge industry in the country.

"International media picked up these statements up and this will negatively affect tourism and the Egyptian economy in general," El-Badry said.

The Sphinx may have lost its nose, but it is still standing for along, along with the pyramids.

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