March 27, 2025 06:20 AM

'Overwatch' News: Twitch And Blizzard Crazy Twitter Exchange

The Twitter accounts of Blizzard's "Overwatch" and Twitch had a crazy GIF exchange. Their argument peppered with GIFs was simply incredible. There are a lot of petty conflicts raging over on Twitter every single day. Not every exchange on Twitter however, needs to be a flame war.

Once in a rare while, there are Twitter arguments that are truly epic. The gaming community was treated to one such spectacle. On Twitter, the official account of the streaming channel Twitch and the official "Overwatch" account were engaged in one to behold.

The entertainment website Mashable was able to discover a Twitter exchange between the official account of Blizzard Entertainment's popular first-person shooter and the offical account of live streaming service Twitch. Their responses to each other went wild with GIFs. Observers said it was as fun as hell.

According to gaming website WWG, the whole affair began with the announcement of a Chinese New Year-themed live event in Blizzard's multiplayer shooter. The "Hearthstone" developer tweeted about the forthcoming Year of the Rooster event for the game. In response, the handler of the Twitter account of Twitch, posted a crazy but perfectly chosen GIF of a flailing Reaper.

Observers said that people might think it was a cute response and that could have been the end of that. The responses between the two, however, did not stop there.

The caretaker of the "Overwatch" Twitter account responded with a GIF of Mei with a crazy smile, freezing an opponent. The Twitch account then answered back with a pic that implied that, despite Mei's innocent look, she was in fact pure evil.

The next posts contained a steady stream of awesome GIFs that eventually stopped referring to Blizzard's multiplayer shooter. The succeeding GIFs included references to subjects such as "Game of Thrones", "The Shining" and "Frozen".

The Twitter exchange resulted in nothing much being revealed about the Year of the Roster event for "Overwatch". Anyone who observed the responses however, should have been suitably entertained.

Overwatch, Blizzard, Blizzard entertainment, Twitter
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