October 6, 2024 08:30 AM

Hurricane Sandy Update: Staten Island Devastated By Sandy, Waits for Help, New York City, New Jersey, Atlantic City Aftermath

The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy has been devastating and just four days later rescuers are still discovering the extent of the devastating damage the Hurricane has left in its wake. On Thursday Reuters reported that 98 people have died because of Hurricane Sandy. In New York City 40 people have died, half of those being in Staten Island which was hit hard by Sandy and is still flooded.

Staten Island which has about 500,000 residents and Atlantic City were hit extremely hard by Sandy. Reuters reported that Atlantic City's historic boardwalk was nearly destroyed. New Jersey governor, Chris Christie said to Reuters,

"There's nothing more precious to people than their homes. Those are where their families are, their memories and possessions of their lives, and there's also a sense of safety to home

That sense of safety was violated with water rushing into people's homes at an enormous rate of speed and people having to literally swim, climb, jump for their lives," he said to Reuters.

Staten Island is one the most heavily hit areas. Reuters reported that many Staten Islanders think that officials have left them behind and "forgotten" about the residents struggling in the area. Mayor Bloomberg decided to go ahead with the NY marathon on Sunday as scheduled, despite the aftermath of the storm. Theresa Connor, 42, of Staten Island said to Reuters, "They forgot about us. And (Mayor Michael) Bloomberg said New York is fine. The marathon is on!"

Reuters reported that there was also a shortage of gasoline in New Jersey, Connecticut and New York with long lines at gas stations everywhere.

Many areas of New Jersey have been using fuel-powered generators while waiting for the power lines to come back on. Reuters reported that power is expected to come back on in Manhattan by Saturday, however other areas could see a week more for power to come back on. Reuters reported that there were 4.5 million homes and business in 15 states that still remain without power.

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