March 31, 2025 17:45 PM

'Super Mario Odyssey' New Half-Hour Gameplay To Blow Away Fans And Non-Fans Alike

The Nintendo Switch Presentation may be lacking a bit in terms of the console presentation itself, but the games coming for it were more than enough to stir up some serious hype and anticipation. This is the case with the first party games as expected and "Super Mario Odyssey" is also a giant platformer ready to secure its throne in the genre with the latest gameplay video.

Nintendo is very much aware with the varied reactions of fans all around the world regarding the Switch Presentation. Still, as reported at Gameskinny, the company is pretty confident with getting the undecided gamers back as well as hooking new comers with how the upcoming "Super Mario Odyssey" looks like. The company behind the world-famous plumber decided to release yet another gameplay video showcasing what have changed so far.

For the first time in the history of "Super Mario" games, Mario, himself, gets the chance to roam around the busy road of New York and eventually being transported to an even bigger and expansive world to explore. The footage also shows some unrevealed moves from the original Switch presentation.

Despite few details, the man behind "Super Mario" himself, Shigeru Miyamoto, mentioned that the goal was to make "Super Mario Odyssey" a game similar to what made the earlier entries in the series great. He specifically said that the upcoming title needs to be more on the "core side." (via Gamespot)

Compared to "Super Mario Galaxy," "Super Mario 64" and "Super Mario Sunshine" were games intended for the core crowd and this is what Nintendo were aiming for with Odyssey. While it isn't exactly just intended for the real platforming fanatics, the difficulty will be bumped up a bit again, bringing some of the classic challenge back.

Odyssey will be pretty much similar to the Nintendo 64 hit with its open-world sandbox style and this time, action will be the main highlight of the game once again. Miyamoto stated that the series have been jumping from different difficulties and styles, but "Super Mario Odyssey" will be "something that people whol like action games can really get into."

Nintendo Switch
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