March 4, 2025 00:11 AM

Final Fantasy 14 News: Stormblood Expansion To Have Raids, Red Mage Class and Swimming

The next expansion of "Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn" will be released in June 2017 and Square Enix has just provided some new insight on the new Job class, raids, and activities that will be included in "Stormblood".

The new job class is Red Mage which is a DPS (damage per second) role that focuses primarily on melee attacks and ranged spells, with the ability to link them together to get even more damage. A couple of the new activities that will be included in the expansion will allow players to dive and swim into the water.

This will let them interact with new NPCs (non-playable characters) and discover new areas in the land of Eorzea. Flying mounts can also dive and swim with players.

A new all-female Beast tribe called the Ananta will also be added in the expansion. Not much is known about this new tribe other than they live in the Ala Mhigo region near the mountains. We will get to know more about their background story once "Stormblood" gets released.

The Raids in Stormblood have also been given some new additions such as the "Return to Invalice" which is a new Alliance Raid which will be introduced alongside the "Bend of Time - Omega". "Bend of Time - Omega" is a new high-level raid series that will focus primarily on the appearance of Omega and how the Bend of Time will impact the world.

As reported earlier by Gamespot, Stormblood will take place in Ala Mhigo and will have players facing off against new protagonist Zenos. The game will also increase the required specs for PC players so they can get the most out of the experience.

While it will continue to support 32-bit operated systems, game director Naoki Yoshida has strongly encouraged PC players to upgrade their systems to 64-bit. The expansion was originally announced at last year's FFXIV fan fest event, according to a report from Kotaku. Stormblood is currently scheduled to be released on June 20. 2017 for PC and PS4.

Square Enix
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