February 22, 2025 22:35 PM

Top 5 Things You Need To Know If You Want To Start A Travel Vlog: Number 5 Will Surprise You!

Travel vlogging has become a lucrative industry the past few years with the improvement of camera and video systems and Internet connectivity. Everyone can start a travel vlog. Here are the top 5 things you need need to know if you want to start a travel vlog.

It's Not About The Gadgets, It's Really About The Story

Sure, shooting a scene with a high-end camera and video system will make audiences pay attention to your travel vlog. However, a scene without a story is like a subject without a verb or a food that looks good but doesn't have any taste. People are most interested in the story behind the sceneries: the what, who, where, when, and why behind the story. Couple the 5 W's with "how" and you're on your way to creating a highly informative travel vlog that would keep your audiences engaged.

Start Out With Different Angles, But Focus On What Works Best For You

Starting out a new endeavor is not always easy. You need to try out different things, sometimes multiple times, to get to it right. Travel vlogging is the same. Try out stories focusing on locations, food, attractions, backpacking, or budget traveling. While having a diverse travel vlog can attract different audiences, CNN suggests that it is best to vlog about one subject and offer a unique perspective of that subject.

Details, Details, Details: Information Is The Key

We've mentioned the 5 W's and the "how" to pique the interest of your audiences. Now, you must provide the little details that would make your travel vlog standout. Include travel tips such as the cost of travel to a particular place or the cost of the particular item, tips on how to cheaply get to one place to another, or provide a brief history of a place or an item. Those little details are more informative than you or your audiences might realize.

Do It For The Right Reasons. It's Not Always About The Money

A timeless advice: love what you do, do what you love. You don't want to start out travel vlogging thinking that it will earn you money and fame. Needless to say that the money will come after you've become successful in travel vlogging. Doing something out of passion will immensely help in bringing worthwhile travel vlogs to your audiences. And that in itself is a satisfaction enough to do it.

Get Started And Do It

If you're still hesitant about starting a travel vlog, our best advice for you is this: just do it. Like they say, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Wishing about starting a travel vlog will not magically make it come true. There's work involved there, so go out, get your smartphone or camera, and just do it. Arm yourself with this top 5 things you need to know if want to start a travel vlog and you're practically there.

Travelers, Top 5, Top 5 Tips
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