March 4, 2025 20:24 PM

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Wants To Travel To All US States

The man behind Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, vows to get in touch with more Americans as a part of his new year's resolution for 2017. Some see this as hints of his party's interest in joining the world of politics.

As reported by The Guardian, Facebook CEO's intent in finally traveling all around the United States by completing the 50-state round trip by the end of year 2017. This was his challenge to himself as well as his need to reach out to more people.

Zuckerberg made his own post in Facebook, stating that he is driving himself to reach people and talk about how they are living as well as their general way of life and how they see their families in the future. This is the same goal that Zuckerberg have set in the past years, which was backed up by actually visiting 20 states so far.

His wife is also going to tag along with him in this year-long journey to reach as many people and communities all around the United States as possible. What appears to be the significance of the trips is to bridge the gap between the the lives that got affected by globalization and technology. He points that this had been a good thing for a lot of people, but a huge sector of the population in the United States also faced challenges due to this.

All these strings of moves made by Zuckerberg so far hints about his interest the political career. Back in December last year, a number of court filings in April suggested that Zuckerberg along with some board members had a discussion regarding the possibility of serving in politics while still keeping control of Facebook.

Still, Zuckerberg still holds off from any possible deep involvement in the politics, despite Facebook being overrun by controversies not limited to the recent election. To enforce this unbiased notion, the company rolled out a strict policy regarding fake news.

Mark zuckerberg, Facebook
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