March 6, 2025 22:13 PM

iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Checklist: What Needs To Be Prepared

With the iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak tool out, users of Luca Todesco's tools are now anticipating something better and have been advised to prepare for a 10.2 version of the exploit. Here are the things that need some preparation.

According to a recent report from Redmondpie, since the iOS jailbreak tool called Yalu went out, users of the later version of iOS 10.2 were dismayed with its availability as it was only exclusive with the earlier firmware. However, Todesco himself have already brought it to Twitter regarding the preparation for the iOS 10.2 jailbreak tool.

The most important thing to prepare for a future exploit tool, according to the Italian hacker, is saving the SHSH2 blobs for iOS 10.2. This was in case a number of hackers, aside from him, finally find the loopholes and ways to crack the final versions of iOS 10 before going 11.

Based from his official Twitter account, regardless if an iOS 10.2 jailbreak tool is not planned, the mobile operating system is still highly vulnerable to any technique. Hundreds of other hackers are hard at work, though not all of them go out in public with their works, which used to be Todesco's policy.

Saving SHSH2 Blogs ahead of any further release will also ensure an easy and hassle-free roll back to that particular version with the use of Tinyumbrella. Future releases of iOS have started a trend of rolling out updates in less than two weeks and these renders exploits and even the ability to downgrade harder than it used to be.

Another popular tool to rely on is the Prometheus and this does the same exact thing. It will allow users to upgrade or downgrade at will without the need to have their mobile operating system officially signed by Apple. This is to make ensure a fail-proof method of rolling back to that specific iOS version once iOS 10.2.1 gets released.

IOS 10 jailbreak, Ios 10.2.1 jailbreak
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