March 10, 2025 07:06 AM

Canadian Women Dream of Outdoor Sex on Vacation, 43% Admit to Doing It

Going on vacation can make a person feel free to do just about anything. A new survey on the sexual habits of Canadian women while on vacation shows that they enjoy vacation sex, especially when it's anywhere but a hotel room.

According to a survey by vacation seller, 34 percent of Canadian women admitted to having sex outside of their hotel room while on vacation.

The survey, conducted by Ipsos Reid, asked 1,013 Canadian woman about their sexual habits. The women who took the survey were between the ages of 18-60 and they went on a vacation outside of Canada within the past three years. The women were married, in a relationship or casually dating.

While 43 percent of the women admitted to having sex outside the hotel room, 54 percent admitted to fantasizing about enganging in the risque act.

Most women (35 percent) said they fantazied about having sex on the beach. They weren't talking about the drink. Twenty percent said they've actually done it. Twenty-five percent of women said they thought about having sex in the ocean, while 15 percent admitted to doing it. Another 21 percent of women fantasized about sex on a boat and 10 percent said they've done that.

Other popular places for sex outside the hotel room included in the pool, hot tub, sauna, hammock, on the balcony, lounge chair, and in a public restroom.

They survey showed that the Friskies, the women who had sex outside of the hotel room, were 71 percent more likely to fantasize about outdoor vacation sex than the Un-Friskies, or those who haven't. The Friskies said the sex on the beach fantasies were most common.

"I've always felt an undercurrent of romantic motivation being a key driver to the vacation travel purchase. We know that women initiate and lead vacation travel planning more than men," said President Richard Vanderlubbe.

The survey also showed that sexual behavior varried between generations. Those between 45 and 60 years old were less likely to engage in sex outside the hotel room. Women between the ages of 18-34 were more likely to fantasize about scandalous sexual behavior as well as make it a reality. Those between the ages of 35-44 included women who were most likely to have had sex outside the hotel room.

Vanderlubbe said that this survey is more reliable than other online surveys on similar topics.

"Our survey is more representative of female vacationers than others you might find online, which are often based on unscientific polls from dating sites," said Vanderlubbe.

One of those surveys held earlier this year by travel dating site showed that 40 percent of women have one-night stands while on vacation.

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