March 6, 2025 22:16 PM

Vomiting Virus Outbreak: Norovirus Infects Thousands of School Children in Germany, Symptoms and Causes [SEE VIDEO]

A virus that is causing children to vomit has affected thousands of children to fall ill in Germany. Reported by the AP the number has risen to over 8,400 affected children that reportedly got sick with vomiting and diarrhea after eating food from school cafeterias and daycare centers. Berlin health department said that the sickness wasn't serious and that in the majority of cases children recovered in two days without hospitalization.

Officials in Berlin and nearby areas reported an increase in the outbreak of the virus. The exact cause of the virus is still under examination and scientists have been conducting investigations to determine what the cause was and if it was from a certain food item in cafeterias.

The outbreak is thought to be caused by norovirus which occurs is a water and food-borne illness. Norovirus is transmitted through fecally contaminated food or water and person to person contact.

The virus usually occurs in communities such as long-term care facilities, dormitories, cruise ships and hospitals where infection can spread through contaminated food.

According to the CDC website, symptoms of norovirus include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain and fever, headaches and body aches. Norovirus, like most viruses, does not require antibiotics.

The CDC states on their website,"You can become infected with norovirus by accidentally getting stool or vomit from infected people in your mouth. This usually happens by:

* Eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with norovirus,

* Touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus then putting your fingers in your mouth, or

* Having contact with someone who is infected with norovirus (for example, caring for or sharing food or eating utensils with someone with norovirus illness)."

Robert Koch Institute said to the AP that the schools and day cares which were infected, may have received food from a single supplier.

See this video for more information about norovirus:

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