March 11, 2025 07:20 AM

Places In The World That We Are Not Allowed To Be In That Most Of Us Would Definitely Visit

Why does it feel so good doing the wrong things? Or the things that are off-limits? Why is it always so tempting to sit on a couch at the mall that has a huge sign saying "DO NOT SIT ON THE SOFA?" Why does it seem like it's always a need to touch something that says "DO NOT TOUCH?"

After hearing that there are places in the world that people are not allowed to set a foot on, wanderers and wonderers will definitely get an itch of wanting to visit those certain places. One of them is Area 51, Nevada - according to BBC, the term "Area 51" is a CIA document that was first used during the times of the Vietnam-war. Area 51 contains highly kept secrets of the states; whatever is going on in there remains untold, and outsiders are not allowed to step inside the area. (Sounds like a place that people would definitely want to get a look at)

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway - a heavily guarded vault that none can enter unless one is a known researcher or a plant breeder. Inside the vault consists of different kinds of seeds in the world - stored in case of environmental chaos. (Anyone wondering how it looks like inside?)

The Lascaux Caves, France - people have been long prohibited from entering the caves for preservation purposes. The cave is filled with approximately 17,300-year-old paintings of different creatures and shapes by the Neanderthals. Authorities stopped the exposure of the caves since 1963. (How awesome would it be if one gets to see the paintings up close?)

North Sentinel Island - an isolated island where a tribe of 50 to 400 natives live, the Indian Government declared that the island is prohibited from an outsider. Furthermore, the tribes do not allow outsiders to step inside their island as they fire arrows and rocks to outsiders. (Everyone would absolutely get curious of how the tribes live)

Read also: Travelers Today

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