October 22, 2024 23:22 PM

'Overwatch' 2017 Update: New Year Will See Updates In PvP, Esports & More

"Overwatch" fans will be excited to know that there are updates that will be coming in 2017. Some of these updates will include an improved Player-vs-Player, esports, improved and new heroes, and more.

Jeff Kaplan, "Overwatch" director, shares in a YouTube video what fans can probably expect when 2017 rolls in. Kaplan shared a lot of things, like what they learned when they came out with Ana and Sombra.

Kaplan said that players were saying that Ana was underpowered when she first came out, which prompted Blizzard to update her quickly. But fans started saying that she became overpowered, So the Blizzard will have to re-balance her again.

Learning from this experience, Kaplan said they're taking their time in re-balancing Sombra, to allow players to have more time in mastering the use of the character. They do have ideas already in how to power her up, they just want to avoid making the same mistake with Ana. "Overwatch" constantly updates its players to balance them from being too powerful to being too weak.

Kaplan also said that they're planning to provide updates with the esport, particularly in spectator mode. There were a lot of requests and comments from viewers and the people that are covering the matches, and one of those is having a viewer map of the tournament. They're hoping to address some of the requests once the New Year roles in.

Another update is for the PvP and this includes having a server browser. Kaplan said the browser will help people see the list of custom games that they can join. The update will also allow players who created a custom game to publish the game in the server browser to allow more people to join.

Team chat will also be part of the update next year. Kaplan said they don't want to force players to join team chat, so they'll make in a way that they'll have the option to join or not. Mashable said it would probably include players seeing pop-up notifications that will allow them to switch from party chat to team chat.

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