February 23, 2025 01:28 AM

America's Most Bizzarre Places You'd Love To Visit

There are places here on earth that even scientists are having a hard time explaining the how and why and even when some things came to be. Here is a rundown of these mysterious adventure-worthy places on earth.

Horseshoe Canyon

Located in Canyon lands National Park, Utah, the place possesses several ancient pictographs or rock paintings. The rock paintings are dated back between 2000 and 8000 years. The place becomes more mysterious because in the largest site in the canyon called the Great Gallery are large paintings of humanoid figures.

The styles vary between simple red tawny silhouettes and intricate multi-coloured outlines, nearly all deficient distinct arms or legs, and instead feature large eyes and antennae. Another mysterious feature of the site is the copious bullet impact marks clustered around images of big horned sheep.

Sailing Stones

Living in a dried-up lakebed named Racetrack Playa in Death Valley, California, the strange Sailing Stones assemble at the end of the covert paths their actions have left in the dirt. Regardless of the name of the lakebed they are dispersed across.

These stones do not move swiftly, and if you were observing, on one of the rare occasions that they do, you still might not notice, but they really move. Scientist positioned their own stones on the lakebed tailored with GPS trackers, and while it took a long time, ultimately they caught them in motion. These stones some of which weighing up to hundred pounds, occasionally move even without human interference and leave trails to prove it, reported Active Times.

Chaco Canyon

Another site that exposes the existence of momentous ancient civilizations in North America is the Chaco Culture National Historical Park, in northwest New Mexico. Spread over nine miles of the canyon floor several great houses was estimated to have been constructed starting around 900 AD, the largest of which, Pueblo Bonito.

According to Grunge, it confined up to 800 rooms and stretched up to four stories high in places. Several minor structures can be found in the adjacent area, some up to sixty miles away that are linked to the central buildings by a classy network of roadways.

Mysteriously, while some of the buildings show indication of ferocity and fire, some were abandoned in an orderly fashion. Some entrances were prudently closed up and closed with clay. This possibly suggests the people had the intention to return except, for unknown reasons, they never did.

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