March 8, 2025 20:00 PM

'Fashion Santa' Is Santa Clause' Fashionable Alter-Ego

Santa Clause now has an alter-ego, and a more fashionable one at that. Paul Mason is a 53-year old model from Toronto, Canada is now making his name in the fashion and modeling industry as "Fashion Santa". Equipped with his two-year-old white beard that is Santa Clause' trademark, he is now changing the holiday fashion look. was able to catch Mason before an event in Washington and asked him some questions regarding his alter-ego. In the interview, "Fashion Santa" shared that his Christmas look wasn't really planned.

Before tagging himself as Santa's fashionable version, he has already modeled for 33 years in total. Thirty years of it had been without his white beard. He decided to stop shaving two years ago when his mother passed. Although his Santa look is appropriate only during the holidays, he plans to shave off his beard in January and try to grow it back for a year.

Other Santa impersonators have been affected by his sudden rise to fame. He even got one comment from a Saint Nick look-a-like who said, "Mason is putting him out of work." His answer to this is very hilarious, saying that he is Saint Nick's weight-watching brother! Does this mean that "Fashion Santa" works out? Mason revealed that he is a fitness-buff.

Mason's debut in America was an event at The Ritz-Carlton Georgetown on December 1. He graced the event of Human Rescue Alliance where every photo taken with "Fashion Santa" is charged $20 for donation. Before the event, he has already participated in Toronto Fashion Week.

According to Washingtonian, Mason is currently working with Toronto's brand Michel's Bespoke. This homemade brand is now making specially designed suits for him to wear to galas and events.

When asked whether a Mrs. Fashion Santa exists, Mason answered that his fans should stay tuned. Does this mean it's a possibility sometime in the future?

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