March 30, 2025 15:33 PM

'Pokemon' News: South Korea's 7-Eleven Sells Pikachu Themed Lunch Box

Even before "Pokemon GO" was released, many were already captivated by the cuteness of different Pokemon characters. Among the characters, the most well-loved Pokemon is Pikachu, that is why there are so many novelty items designed inspired by the cute yellow Pokemon. But when "Pokemon GO" came out, even more people loved the characters and some even started collecting Pokemon related items.

So if you are a Pokemon lover, you will surely be pleased to know that there is a Pikachu-themed lunch boxe in 7-eleven convenience stores in South Korea. This means that one could enjoy his food while collecting the Pokemon items.

The Pikachu lunch box was first released on Dec. 1 which is just in time for the current release of "Pokemon Sun and Moon" in South Korea and in other areas around the globe. The lunch box sure looks very interesting which might even move rock-solid Pikachu fans to buy a ticket and fly to the area.

Apart from the cute Pikachu sticker on its transparent cover, it has a Pikachu head-shaped pork cutlet. It also comes with white rice, salad, spaghetti, fried potato wedges and pickled vegetables. Rocket News reveals that all of this yummy lunch merely cost 3,900 won or about US$3.30. It is totally worth it! And if you finish your meal, you still have a lovely "Pokemon" themed lunch box that you can reuse many times!

Buyers of said lunch box expressed their creativity by adding faces to the Pikachu shaped pork using ketchup. Well, it appears that this is one of the exciting parts of the meal.

Another thing that might encourage "Pokemon" lovers to buy more of these are the stickers that goes with it. This was revealed by Twitter user Call Me 1993. There are a total of ten "Pokemon Christmas" stickers that one could collect.

Well, this is indeed something that "Pokemon" fans would love to try! For sure, many would rush to 7-eleven stores just to purchase this yummy treat!

Pokemon, South korea
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