March 11, 2025 07:20 AM

Nostradamus Predictions: Frightening Prophesies That May Change The World In 2017

Now that 2016 is about the end and a new year will come, many are wondering about the Nostradamus Prediction 2017. Some people believe that his predictions will indeed happen.

Michel de Nostredame, a 16th century French philosopher, is said to have predicted many historical events like the 9/11 and even the presidential victory of Donald Trump. There are many political predictions that may have a big impact to the world.

According to Express UK, China will make a huge move that will help solve the “economic imbalance” in the world. Italy will be facing financial difficulties wherein unemployment and loans will be on the rise. It would need a lot of sacrifice for the members of EU for the financial crisis to be solved.

It also mentioned about the current superpower which may refer to the US. It is said that the US government will become incompetent and ungovernable as Donald Trump takes the Presidential seat.

There will also be a truce between Russia and Ukraine which will be agreed by the EU and will be opposed by the US. Another prophecy is that there will be civil unrest in Latin America.

Of all the Nostradamus predictions, the prophecy about "hot war" is pointed by Alex Noudelman as the most terrifying which will root from global warming. This might spark biological warfare and terrorism.

Some reports even indicate that there will be a UFO alien assault next year and that Vladimir Putin will take over the planet referring to him as the third anti-Christ. Other sources are saying that it is also possible that the ISIS will cause world war 3.

Nostradamus also has a prediction about technology wherein cloud computing will be known as mere computing and there will be widespread use of solar power. Orbital flights around the Earth will also become a commercial space travel.

So, what do you think of the Nostradamus predictions for 2017? Do you think these will happen?

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