March 4, 2025 03:04 AM

Nvidia Free Games With HTC Vive, Free Keys For Watch Dogs 2, And Free Plantronics Gamecom 318 Headset This Holiday Season!

In 2016, Virtual Reality has risen as one of the most significant computing platform altering how we play, interact with family and friends, and how gamers have fun. With the holiday season coming up fast, gamers can catch up with the trendy VR with Nvidia's new GeForce GTX HTC Vive Bundle.

Starting Dec. 12, according to a blog post by HTC Vive, any customer that buys a Nvidia 1060, 1070, or 1080 Graphics card and an HTC Vive, will receive three amazing VR games for free. The three free games are the following: Raw Data, Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, and Sports Bar VR.

Raw Data is one of the Steam's top sellers debuting at number one and is said to be one of the most immersive and exciting VR games available. An action battle gameplay whether played solo or team to become the adrenaline-charged heroes of the gamer's own advanced technothriller.

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, on the other hand, gives the player a chance to wind up as Serious Sam and battle Mental's alien hordes. Venture into the shoes of the Earth Defense Force's most noteworthy legends in this one of a kind VR simulation.

Sports Bar VR, currently available in Steam as Pool Nation VR is one of the coolest VR stimulation out there. This VR simulator allows the gamer to hang out at the air hockey tables, play pool, and toss a couple rounds of darts.

Nvidia is likewise giving away free keys for Watch Dogs 2 with any GTX 1070 bought through Newegg and the HTC Vive accompanies a free Plantronics Gamecom 318 gaming headset and free duplicates of Call Of The Starseed and Zombie Training Simulator.

As per Tech Radar, bundles start at around $1,239 and up and buying these games separately would cost $100 each. Prices depend on the item you purchase together with the HTC Vive. List of participating stores and selected retailers also vary from country to country. This promo is available from Dec. 12 through Jan. 30 of the coming year.

NVidia, HTC, Watch Dogs 2, Steam
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