March 3, 2025 19:56 PM

Baby Born on a Plane Named for Emirates Airline

One child is going to have an interesting story to tell when they explain how they got their name. A baby, born on an airplane, was named after the Dubai-based carrier Emirates. The child's name is EK, the flight code for the airline.

On Aug. 22, a woman went into premature labor on an Emirate flight heading from Dubai to Manila. According to Gulfnews, the woman gave birth to her son in the airplane bathroom. Two Filipina nurses on board the flight followed the woman into the bathroom to help her with her mid-flight birth.

"When I saw the mother walking toward the toilet, she seemed to be in pain. The father was restless... walking back and forth, nearly in tears and so I offered to help," one of the nurses Karen Caballes-Santos told Gulfnews.

The nurse found the baby boy in the toilet and it wasn't getting enough oxygen. She helped clean the amniotic fluid from the baby's mouth, nose and ears. The mother and child were both given oxygen masks by flight attendants. The baby was wrapped in blankets and kept warm with lamps on the plane until Flight number EK 322 could make an emergency landing in Vietnam.

The woman has reportedly named her son EK after the Emirates flight code.

The 35-year-old mother was discharged from the hospital on Friday but her baby. who was born early at 27 weeks, is still in critical care.

Although rare, EK isn't the first baby to be born on a plane. Earlier this year a flight attendant helped a woman who gave birth to her baby was born on a flight from Atlanta to Africa.In 2011, another baby was born on a Philippine Airlines flight from Manila to San Francisco and another was born on an Alitalia flight from Milan to Paris, ABC reports.

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