March 1, 2025 00:12 AM

Venus the Two-Faced Cat Becomes Internet Sensation & She's Completely Real [VIDEO]

A two-faced cat named Venus is becoming a hit on the internet as people do a double-take at this uniquely marked feline. Each half of Venus' face is completely different, leading people to believe that she's just a work of photoshop or even painted, but the two-faced cat's markings are completely real.

The two-faced cat has been making waves on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube as the animal is truly unique. Venus has two different color eyes and two different fur colors, split right down the middle of her cute face. The right side of the cat's face contains black fur and a green eye, while her left side contains ginger fur and a blue eye.

Venus' face seems to be so perfectly split and different, that people find it hard to believe.

"We've heard everything from Photoshop to we've dyed half of her face,'' Christina, Venus' owner told the Today Show. "This is just the way she was born, that's it.''

It is believed that Venus is a chimera cat. This means that she might be "composed of two populations of genetically distinct cells that originated from different zygotes," according to TODAY. Venus' DNA has not been tested, so this cannot be confirmed.

The two-faced cat has a growing group of fans since her photos hit the internet. She has her own Facebook page, which has over 36,000 'Likes." A recent video of Venus, uploaded to YouTube on Aug. 21 already has 800,000 views.

Christina, who didn't want her last name revealed, took the cat in after a friend who worked on a dairy farm in North Carolina showed her photos of the feral feline on Facebook.

"We have an orange tabby and a black tuxedo at home, so when I first saw her, I said, 'Oh my gosh, she looks like a combination of both our cats,''' Christina told Today.. "We didn't at that time see the eyes, so Chris's first reaction was, 'We do not need any more animals.' When we zoomed in on her eyes, we were just awestruck. I said, 'We just have to have this cat.''

The farmer gave Christina's friend permission to take the cat and after a trip to the veterinarian, Venus found a home with Christina and Chris in Florida.

While Venus is pretty unique, she isn't a true two-faced cat like Janus cats which actually have two faces with an extra set of eyes, nose and mouth. Janus cats tend not to live more than a few days, but Frank and Louie, a world-record holder for being the world's oldest Janus cat at 12 years old.

Venus is also being compared to Batman villain Two-Face, also known as Harvey Dent, but Venus' owner says the kitty is as sweet as can be.

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