March 31, 2025 13:34 PM

Final Fantasy XV Finally Out! Square Enix Streamed Live Action Video Featuring 'Florence And The Machine'

Japanese video game company Square Enix had just launched the fifteenth main installment of the company's popular fantasy-themed video game franchise "Final Fantasy", "Final Fantasy XV". A day before the release of the video game, the official YouTube channel of Final Fantasy XV also streamed a live-action trailer which featured English indie rock band Florence and the Machine's own rendition of the game's theme song "Stand By Me".

According to the Anime News Network, the YouTube channel of Sony PlayStation Japan streamed two commercial videos at the same day the video game was released. Final Fantasy XV is already a hit, stated by the two commercials. According to the Verge, it's best for players to watch the mini anime series and the film first, before playing the Final Fantasy game. This way, the player will get an idea and more information about the game's story.

"Final Fantasy XV: Brotherhood" is a mini anime series by Square Enix, that consists of only five episodes. Each episode gives emphasis to the background of the four main characters of the game, Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum and his friends Gladioulus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum and Ignis Scientia. The series is available for free on Final Fantasy XV's official YouTube channel.

The CG film, "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV" was released back in mid-August of this year. The setting of the film takes place in the metropolis and capital city of the kingdom of Lucis, Insomnia, while Prince Noctis and his company were out on an adventure. The story focuses more on Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII, King of Lucis and father of Noctis, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, the captured princess of the royal family of Tenebrae and betrothed to Prince Noctis, and the king's personal elite soldiers called the "Kingsglaive", particularly Kingsglaive member Nyx Ulric, who played a major role in protecting Princess Lunafreya during the events that took place in the capital.

Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix, Japan, Youtube, Sony, PlayStation
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