March 4, 2025 00:34 AM

Rudest Countries in the World for Travelers

They say that the French are the rudest people in the world and according to a survey, that holds true. conducted a survey to find which nationalities are the rudest in the world.

According to a survey, 19 percent of people believe that the French are the rudest of the rude, especially when they deal with tourists.

The survey included 1,200 Skyscanner users, 65 percent of which were from the UK and Ireland. Others were from other parts of Europe, North America, and Australia.

Even though the French seem to fit the stereotype of being rude, Russians are not so far behind. Seventeen percent of respondents said that Russians are also pretty rude. British vacationers have particularly noticed this as many Russians join them at popular Mediterranean resorts after a Russian economic boom and more lenient visa regulations led to a travel boost.

Skyscanner noted that flight from Russia to UK travel destinations increased 203 percent this year, showing that more Brits are encountering more Russian travelers and they're finding the Russians to be a bit unpleasant to be around.

"Russians can be more direct when talking, which may be misconstrued as being rude. However this is more a difference in culture than genuine rudeness. The Russian language is not as polite as English, so when Russians translate directly from Russian to English, it can sound rude to an English speaker even if they don't mean it to. Russians tend to consider British people extremely polite due to their courteous way of speaking," Tatiana Danilova, Russian Market Manager for Skyscanner said.

However, the Brits admitted to being pretty rude themselves. They're the third rudest nation according to 10 percent of respondents. According to Skyscanner, the Brits also voted themselves as the world's worst tourists a few months ago.

Brazilians, Filipinos, and those from the Caribbean islands were voted the least rude.

Here is Skyscanner's list of the World's Rudest Nationalities:

1. French 19.2%
2. Russian 16.6%
3. British 10.4%
4. German 9.9%
5. Chinese 4.3%
6. American 3.3%
7. Spanish 3.1%
8. Italian 2.3%
9. Polish 2.2%
10. Turkish 2.1%

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