March 3, 2025 23:16 PM

McDonald’s To Serve Coffee On WestJet Flights

Did you ever wish for some good ol' fast food when you're flying 40,000 feet? Well, you could be closer than you think. McDonald's is now offering their coffee in WestJet flights. The fast food chain coordinated with Canadian airline WestJet to serve their McCafe Premium Roast Coffee for their passengers.

McCafe's flavor in flight is made with a darker roast of beans and hotter temperature than the normal coffee due to people's slightly dulled senses on flight because of the altitude.

"We've always believed that the sky is the limit for McCafé - and today this officially rings true," said John Betts, president of McDonald's Canada.

"We're proud that Canadians have welcomed McCafé into their homes and daily routines, and now our partnership with WestJet lets us take this connection to even greater heights for Canadian coffee lovers."

McDonald's won the bid to serve their coffee in WestJet flights against Starbucks and Tim Hortons. The McCafe was first served last Monday in the Toronto to Calgary flight, according to Telegraph. The coffee is served for free as part of their in-flight services and as complimentary drinks.

"How it helps us is we're going to be serving a better cup of coffee so it improves the great experience and just ups the game in the coffee wars in the Canadian skies," said Greg Saretsky, CEO of WestJet.

Airlines are starting to change their in-flight servings of food to improve customer satisfaction and experience in riding their airlines. Airlines like the British Airways, which is serving Mark & Spencers snacks, and River airline Porter, which is serving Starbucks coffee, are leading by example.

This is the first McDonald's beverage that is served on flight and it is assumed that other McDonald's food will be served in the future. When asked about the possibility of serving Big Macs or Chicken McNuggets in WestJet, Saretsky answered that it could be but they have to get the coffee right first, according to Daily Mail.

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