March 9, 2025 18:49 PM

Dead Sea Receives Rescue By Swimmers And Organizations; Raises Awareness On Sea's Degradation

The Dead Sea is known to be the saltiest sea on Earth. It is 1,388 feet or 423 meters below sea level. Due to the degradation of the Dead Sea, swimmers from all over the world were gathered to raise awareness of saving the amazing sea. EcoPeace organized a 7-hour swim from Jordan to Israel through the Dead Sea. A total of 25 swimmers from Israel, Palestinian territories and even those from New Zealand, Denmark and South Africa came to support this 17-kilometere swim.

As reported by The Star and Daily Nation, the sea level of the Dead Sea has fallen up to 80 feet for the past 50 years. The sea's degradation began way back during the 1960s. Due to irrigation and heavy industialization, Jordan and Syria diverted water from the Jordan River which slowly led to the degradation of the sea. According to Gidon Bromberg, EcoPeace Middle East co-director, "This is the lowest place on Earth, these are the deepest saline waters on the globe, a unique composition, and sadly for the last 50 years they have been dramatically on decline."

Mira Edelstein, from the group EcoPeace, said "We're here for the first ever Dead Sea swim challenge with 25 swimmers from all over the world to send out a clear message to save the Dead Sea, which is shrinking today at an alarming rate." Due to the high salinity of the sea, swimmers had a difficulty swimming through the sea ad they had to wear special masks. "It was tougher than we expected." As testified by Samuel Moran, a Spanish swimmer.

He also added: "The worst was the sun and the feeling of the salt on your skin that is very irritating. You feel like you are burning all the time." Which made him want to quit a couple of times. The efforts of the swimmers and organizers are really heart-warming. Their dedication and participation in this extraordinary swim to raise awareness to save the Dead Sea should be recognized by people all over the world.

Israel, Jordan, Ocean, Event, Travel news
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