March 1, 2025 07:10 AM

Boy Creates a Dog Bucket List To Thank His Dying Service Dog

An 11-year-old boy has created a dog bucket list as a way to thank his 14-year-old Jack Russell terrier who has saved his life on multiple occassions. He is asking people from all over the world to send treats to his furry friend who only has a few more weeks to live.

Cole Hein, of Manitoba, Canada owes his life to his dog Bingo. Bingo is a trained hearing, service, and therapy dog, which Hein got in 2005 to keep a watch over him. Hein has a severe form of apnea, in which he suddenly stops breathing while sleeping or awake, so he needs to be monitored 24 hours a day. Bingo is trained to bark to alert Hein's parents when Cole makes certain gagging sounds, indicating that he's stopped breathing.

For saving Cole's life on multiple occasions, Bingo became a member of the Purina Hall of Fame in 2010. Within her first six months with the family alone, Bingo saved Cole's life three times.

"Bingo has given us so much. There isn't enough that can be done for a dog that saves my son's life," Cole's mother, Mandi Hein, told the Toronto Sun in 2010. "It has been a long run, but when I kiss Cole good night I don't have to worry anymore that I am kissing him goodbye."

Cole wants to thank his dog for saving his life so many times. Bingo was recently diagnosed with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome and she's been given a few more weeks to live. Before she dies, Cole wants to help fulfill a dog bucket list, which he is calling a "lick it list."

A global culinary adventure is at the top of Cole's "lick it list" for Bingo. He is asking friends, family and strangers from all around the planet to donate treats so Bingo can get a taste of the world before her passing. A Facebook page has been set up with contact information so people can send some goodies to Bingo. So far over 1,700 people have joined the group and the wall is flooded with comments from people who are willing to donate from Canada, the United States, Germany, Australia, and beyond.

"Since he and Bingo cannot travel the world to seek out new dog foods, they need the food to come to them! They need you to send a sample of your (or better yet, your dog's) favourite dog treat. Or something nice and exotic and especially foreign to Canada," says a note on the Facebook group.

Dog treats can be sent to:

Cole Hein/Bingo Hein
PO Box 413
Shilo, MB
R0K 2A0

"Anything people want to send is OK," Cole told the Winnibeg Free Press. "Bingo's a good dog."

Cole is very excited about the outpour of support so far.

"Cole is doing the happy dance," Cole's mother Mandi told the Winnipeg Free Press . "He is teasing Bingo about her new treats coming. This is a huge thing for Cole. I tried (to get word out) and got one thing - from his grandmother in Australia."

In addition to giving Bingo a taste of the world, Cole wants to take his dog on a last public outing to a place that has video games, called Ruckers. He also wants to take her on a walk around the block twice, which he broke up into once around the block on two days. Lastly, he would like a photo shoot with his pal, but this has already been arranged. Cole's mother has posted some of the photos to the Facebook Group.

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