March 4, 2025 00:13 AM

Top 10 Reasons Couples Fight on Vacation

Vacations are supposed to be a time for relaxing and enjoying a nice getaway with your significant other, however even vacations can spark arguments among lovebirds. There are certain things that cause fights between couples while they're on vacation.

A survey of 1,000 British people, conducted by travel site, revealed the top 10 reasons why couples fight on vacation. The survey showed that 79 percent of couples admit to having at least two big fights while on a two week vacation, while 62 percent admit to fighting on a daily basis during vacation.

"Everybody has their own idea of what makes the perfect break, and when you clash on these ideals arguments can break out. It's shocking to discover how much couples actually do argue when abroad," Calum Macdonald of Latedeals told the Daily Mail.

The survey found that some fights are so bad that 6 percent of couples move into different rooms during their vacations because they can't get past their issues.

The biggest reason that causes fights is when a woman catches her man checking out another lady while on break.

Here is the complete list of why couples fight on vacation.

1. Men checking out other women.

2. Activities: While a woman might want to stick around and lounge, a man may want to go out and do something

3. What and where to eat.

4. Going overboard with drinking alcohol.

5. Trying to read maps, figure out directions and getting lost

6. Packing: She tends to bring too much stuff while he brings too little.

7. Women taking too long to get ready for dinner, or anywhere.

8. Spending too much money.

9. Getting to the airport on time.

10. Currency: How much money to get and where to get it.

There are ways for couples to solve their vacation problems. "Not surprisingly the answer is to compromise, possibly finding resorts which offer a range of activities to suit all tastes so that no one feels they are not being satisfied," MacDonald said, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

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