February 24, 2025 06:37 AM

Botox in Bed: Hotels Offer Plastic Surgery to Guests

Botox has become a household name, with woman around the country willing to go under the needle in the name of less wrinkles. Upscale hotels are now capitalizing in on this quest for the perfect face, with in-house cosmetic surgeons.

The Four Seasons Austin Residences in The Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, Texas, is opening a dermatology and cosmetic surgery practices inside the main floor. The hotel's concierge Lorley Musiol told NBCNews.com, "It's rare to find a plastic surgeon in a downtown market. So this should appeal to hotel guests such as women whose husbands are here for a meeting and to people who work and live in the city."

The dermatology center inside the upscale hotel will offer minor procedures like Botox and chemical peels at first and starting next year more in-depth cosmetic procedures such as liposuction and breast augmentation.

Bjorn Hanson, divisional dean of New York University's Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management said to NBCNews.com that it's a trend that has been around beginning in the 1970s when luxury hotels began to market to patients and "creating relationships with hospitals and cosmetic surgery practices, so patients could have privacy during the initial recovery following surgery."

It's not just The Four Seasons who are offering cosmetic procedures. Hotels such as the Mountain Health Sap at the Royal Spa Kitzbühel Hotel in Austria opened with one of the country's premiere plastic surgeouns on board. A press release from the hotel says, "The combination of sports, nutrition and surgery is the new signature of the hotel. The interest in beauty procedures is increasing. People are placing more importance on a radiant, fresh appearance, and beauty builds confidence. Procedures include not only major operations, but also minor treatments such as wrinkle injections or mini-facelifts to make the stress disappear from your face,"

This new market is changing the way many hotels do business and Musiol says that the hotel is trying to create promotions that involve services from the cosmetic surgery clinic. "We're both on the same Facebook page, and I see they're already tweeting free frown line Botox for the first 100 customers," she says.

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