March 14, 2025 04:45 AM

Five Must See Places In The World: Marvelous Attractions You Haven't Discovered Yet

There are always certain places and attraction that tourists long to visit in each country. Most of these places are usually beaches, gardens, historical sites and even mountains. With its serene and peaceful environment, tourists would love to take pictures and enjoy relaxing at these places.

However, despite all the common famous tourist attractions we know, there are also hidden wonders that would be worth our visit. Here are some of the undiscovered marvelous attractions given by Business Insider and Weather you must know about.

1. Rio Celeste

You will find the Rio Celeste in Tenorio Volcano National Park of Costa Rica. It is a river with a huge waterfall and a few hot springs. Due to the minerals found in the river, the river has a turquoise color that makes it stand out from any other rivers you will find.

2. Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

Located in the northern part of Wisconsin, the Apostle Islands has 21 Islands. You will be able to enjoy kayaking through the river and encounter lots of caves and chambers.

3. Bigge Island

Bigge Island is located in the Kimberley region in West Australia. It is known for its wonderful rock formation. With rocks known to be over 50,000 years old, Bigge Island is quite an interesting island to visit.

4. Salina Turda

Salina Turda is a salt mine located in Transylvania Romania. It has existed and visited by many even during the 90s. Because it has been a tourist attraction for a long time, it has been developed and modernized. Now, it even has a carousel and an amphitheatre.

5. Sharyn Canyon

Sharyn Canyon is found in Kazakhstan with a length of 80 to 90km. It has a wonderful rock formation and is one of the most beautiful geological attraction of the country. All these places have been established as a tourist attraction but is not very popular. These are just some of the undiscovered marvelous attraction that every tourist should see. There are more wonderful places in the world that we haven't seen or discovered yet. Now, we have something to look forward to for your next travel. Here is a quick tour around Salina Turda:

Places, Attractions, Around the world, Kayak
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