March 31, 2025 17:55 PM

How to Make Airplane Passengers The Happiest? The Answer Might Surprise You

As an airplane passenger, what will make you the happiest? While many would probably answer this question with something along the lines of a stable Wi-Fi connection or even a really quick and smooth flight, the answer is something you won't completely expect.

Yahoo New Zealand reported that according to a survey done by the International Air Transport Association or the IATA, what makes airplane passengers the happiest are getting good service and having an attentive cabin crew on board the plane.

How exactly did the survey come to such a conclusion, you ask? According to Lonely Planet: "The survey of 7000 passengers presented travelers with options of what most improved their flying experience with the largest number - or 23 percent- saying it was the excellence of cabin crew."

In the aviation industry, this is considered to be something of an old-school tradition. Despite of the fact that technology is a great part of our lives, something this old-fashioned still outranks the reason for making airplane passengers happy.

Aside from having a great cabin crew as the top reason on what makes airplane passenger happy, here are the other tips that ranked high on the survey done by IATA:

Getting on-time notifications from airlines

While the first reason was bordering on traditional and old-fashioned, the reason that came after it is so modern in comparison.

A whopping 21 percent of the surveyed passengers chose this reason as what makes them the happiest. During a time where people value communication a great deal, this of course is something that many people will prioritize and make them happy in return.

Having Wi-Fi access

Another modern reason that makes airplane passengers happy is of course having Wi-Fi access which is now deemed as a basic human necessity. Many people cannot live without the Internet especially at this day and age so it only makes sense for this to place high enough on the survey.

Aside from gauging what makes the passengers the happiest, IATA also looked at other aspects of air travel; which parts exactly did people tend to enjoy most.

At the highest point, the survey showed that the most enjoyable part for passengers was was when they started booking for their flights.

On the flip side, what made airplane passengers the most unhappy are, you guessed it - security at airports. Many of the surveyed passengers said that this was the aspect they find most annoying when it comes to airplane travel. On the bottom half of the list are bag inspection and in-flight entertainment.

from Callie Maher: How to make airline passengers happy again

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