March 4, 2025 03:36 AM

United Airlines Provides Free Flights to Family of Aurora, Colorado Shooting Victim

People and businesses all across the company are doing what they can to help out the victims and the families affected by the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado during the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. United Airlines is offering free flights to Colorado to the family of one of the victims who was killed in the tragedy.

United Airlines is covering all of the travel costs for the family of Alex Sullivan, one of the 12 victims of the Aurora, Colorado shooting. Many of Sullivan's family members live in Rochester, New York, so the airlines is helping them out by flying them to Colorado to attend the funeral services of their loved one.

According to a Facebook post by Bob Schwab, who claims to be Sullivan's uncle, "Approx. 25 relatives from this area will now benefit from United's generosity. What an amazing gesture. In this day of negative press I gladly share this wonderful news."

When relative Steve Schwab was making arrangements for the family to fly to Colorado, he told the ticket agent why they were flying out there and the airline said they would help them out. Each of the family members are getting free roundtrip tickets to Colorado and back home.

"It was going to hardship," Alex Sullivan's cousin Jim Schwab told 13 WHAM. "With last minute plane fares and such, but it's amazing. We're all going to be able to out there and be together now even more. I think it's very important for [the Sullivans] to have the whole family there."

At the end of his Facebook post, Bob Schwab wrote "Thank you United from the bottom of our hearts!!"

In a short statement to the Huffington Post, United Airlines responded to the generous act. "All of us were impacted by these events, and we want to help in any way we can," a United spokesperson said.

Alex Sullivan was celebrating his 27th birthday on the night of the deadly shooting at the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. The married bartender went to see The Dark Knight Rises with some coworkers.

Before the movie started, he tweeted, "Oh man one hour till the movie and its going to be the best BIRTHDAY ever."

Sullivan was shot and killed when suspected shooter James Holmes opened fire on the moviegoers. Sullivan, along with 11 other people were killed in the attack and 58 others were injured.

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