March 11, 2025 07:22 AM

Riskiest Selfie Trend Yet - Throw Your Phone in the Air, and Snap!

Selfie trends come and go, with some trends in the past including duckface, gym selfies, planking, and many other fun and amusing poses. The latest selfie trend of 2016, however, involves putting your favorite gadget at risk of falling and crashing on the ground.

The Trend-Setter

The newest selfie trend went viral last Saturday, October 8 when Twitter user Seth Schneider discovered that he was able to take a mirror selfie while "high-fiveing" himself, according to Travel and Leisure.

Upon closer inspection of the blurry, lopsided photo in Schneider's bathroom, his hands are indeed held together, above his iPhone. His iPhone bears no signs of being held or supported by anything, thus validating his achievement, and leading him to call it "the proudest day of my life".
After taking the picture, Schneider posted it on his Twitter, and has so far received 440,060 Likes, and 174,550 Retweets.

How to Join the Newest Selfie Trend

Many people have joined in on the trend, taking their own pictures and posting their "achievements" online, amidst praise from their friends and followers.

Other have gone above and beyond, and did actions such as dabbing, another popular 2016 pose, and attempting to completely disappear from the picture itself.

The Ones Who Failed

Not everyone's hand-eye coordination skills are up to bat, with many people dropping their phones, or accidentally swatting their phones halfway across the room.

"Some people might try to argue that the damage is worth it for a few dozen retweets or the opportunity to tell their grandkids they participated in the Great Moronic Phone Toss Of 2016," says Sophie Kleeman of Gizmodo, "Seriously, though, don't do it. The photos will probably end up blurry and unidentifiable anyway."

Kleeman adds, "Then again, if you have a Galaxy Note 7, smashing your phone to pieces might not be the worst idea.."

IPhone, Apple, Samsung, Galaxy Note 7, Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Twitter
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